Preparing to sell your Southern Highlands home early this year 2024

Preparing to sell your Southern Highlands home early this year 2024

If you are thinking about selling your property in the New Year, it pays to start planning right away.

In this article, I'm going to walk you through the steps you can take now, to make sure you secure the best possible result when you go to market.

Step 1. Plan to beat the rush.

In every market, there are times when the number of properties available for sale rises significantly. You want to launch at the beginning of this rush if possible to reduce the amount of competition and keep buyers focussed on your home. This usually means doing the bulk of your planning now, so you can hit the New Year market full steam!

Step 2. Meet with your agent now

Many owners wait until the last minute to engage with a real estate professional but it pays to start the process now. An experienced adviser can provide so much more than just a marketing plan. We specialise in helping owners decide what to do before selling and can advise you on what changes or improvements are going to add max value. We can also help you avoid situations where you might end up over-capitalising on un-necessary renovations.

Step 3. Get an initial building inspection.

Many building inspectors will offer a low-cost verbal inspection. This way you can get a heads up on any potential issues now so they don't end up causing a deal to crash later on. If there are issues, you may need time to get them fixed. You certainly don't want to have your plans for going on the market delayed because you are waiting for tradespeople to become available.

Step 4. Tour your house like a buyer.

Start at the front gate and tour your home like a potential buyer. Cast a critical eye over each aspect, keeping in mind that first impressions matter most. You could also ask any overly-honest friend to help with this. Build an action list of items to attend to but keep in mind, your home doesn't have to be perfect. Focus on the low-hanging fruit - things that are easy and don't cost much to fix, like hedges that need a trim, letterboxes that need a paint, or general decluttering.

Step 5. De-personalise now.

You want a buyer to be able to imagine themselves in your home. Too many personal photos or keepsakes might make that difficult. Start de-personalising your home now just in case you spot holes in the wall you didn't know about that might need fixing before you go on the market.

Step 6. Start regularly mowing the lawn.

You can tell if an owner has only just started caring about gardening when you visit a home. The lawn has a 'buzz-cut' scorched-earth look about it. If you want to avoid this, start mowing your lawn and trimming trees regularly now, along with moving old un-used items (like broken trampolines) so it looks naturally well-kept when you hit the market.

Step 7. Set up a working bee

Ask for help! If you feel like the process of getting your home ready is a little daunting, don't try and do it all yourself. Set up a date for a working bee, ask a few friends to come over and make sure you hire a trailer because there will probably be rubbish to take away or items to donate.

Have scheduled 'house' days and designated fun days.

Don't make your holiday season all about the upcoming move. Christmas should be about family and having fun. Not just doing jobs around the house. For the sake of your loved ones, make sure you have job-free days which are all about having fun as a family.

Optional decluttering idea:

While still basking in the excitement of opening presents, ask your kids to swap their toys out. For every new toy they received, ask which old toy they would like to donate to charity or give to a friend. This will help teach kids about giving back and help declutter your home so you aren't swimming in a sea of toys when you go on the market.

Take the first step

Selling a property can feel daunting in the beginning. The key is having a plan in place along with a trusted adviser you can call on to answer all those little questions that come up along the way. The best place to start is with a free consultation. Call Mulholland Property today to book yours!

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